Check out this new image
French President VEH during today's sales video shoot #younghorselife - from Instagram
from Instagram

Check out this new image
Lilah and Mendy 'let it go' in the Medium Tour freestyle for 2nd place ️️ #doyouwanttobuildasnowman #mendymoo #vehcrew - from Instagram
from Instagram

Check out this new image
Mendy enjoying his morning walks at boneo #mendymoo #vehcrew - from Instagram
from Instagram

Check out this new image
Merry Christmas everyone! #ournewreindeer #tinseltown #doesthishatmakemyearsbig #crazyyounghorses - from Instagram
from Instagram

Check out this new image
Our adorable new Furstenball colt Milo! - from Instagram
from Instagram

Yet another test


Check out this new image
VEH Christmas party - from Instagram
from Instagram

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